Friday, May 29, 2020

Page 2325 -- CCXXV.

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
Chapter Two Hundred Twenty-Five: 'Emissaries unto the Gloom...'

Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Aw, fuck.

'I believe you've already met my father,' said Pauline.

"...Yeah," said Hector. "I have. Did he tell you to follow me?"

'Aha... No.'

"Then why are you here?"

'Curiosity, primarily.'

He frowned. "This place is dangerous."

'No kidding.'

"You should go home," he clarified.

'Heh. I'm a big girl. But I appreciate your concern. How long have you known I was following you, by the way?'

He ignored that question. "Do you even know what's going on here?"

'Do you?'

This was getting obnoxious. "Ms. Gaolanet, please just--"

'I'm not going home, no matter what you say. You might as well get that silly notion out of your head, right now. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to keep up with a freaking airplane? I'm flesh and blood, okay? After all that trouble, I'm seeing this little adventure through with you to the end.'

Hector was getting the distinct impression that Pauline was going to be even more difficult to deal with than Hanton.

'In fact, perhaps it's better that you noticed me. I was considering revealing myself to you eventually, anyway. Once I'd observed you for a bit longer. So maybe we can think of this as just speeding things up a little.'

He stifled a sigh. "Why are you so interested in this?"

'Oh, multiple reasons, really. But let's just say that I'd like to know more about Atreya's very own Lord Darksteel. Seeing you in action is reason enough, I think.'

This time, he really did sigh.

'By the way, not to sound too conceited, but I think you could probably use my help. I mean, it's impressive that you were able to get the jump on me the way you did, but I've been listening to your conversation long enough to know that you are in dire need of good information. And gathering intel is what Sparrows are best at.'

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