Saturday, May 2, 2020

Page 2255

'I could take steps to conceal myself,' countered Hector. 'In fact... that's something I was already thinking about doing here in Atreya, even before the war started.'

'What are you talking about?' said Garovel.

'We've got loads of servants here in Warrenhold now, and some of them are getting pretty antsy, right?'

'Yeah, and?'

'And I'm known for wearing a full suit of metal armor when I'm out on patrol,' said Hector. 'Sure, everybody in Atreya knows my face at this point, but I don't have to actually show it in order to still show up in the media.'

'...You're talking about letting someone else wear your armor?' said Garovel.

'That's right. Maybe even more than one person. I could leave tons of backup armors behind, just in case.'

The reaper was hesitant. 'Yeah, okay, that might work for the media, but it won't work with Leo. He listens to you, not the person wearing your armor.'

'Well, I could just tell him what I'm doing. Part of this is for his and Ericoros' sake, after all. Keeping it a secret from them would be dumb.'

'And you think he won't want to go to Vantalay with you?'

'That... I don't know. If I tell him to stay, though, then I think he will. Like you said, he listens to me.'

Garovel sighed. 'None of this addresses the core concern of remaining hidden while in Vantalay. You represent this nation, Hector. If anyone recognizes you while you're there, your actions could inadvertently destroy Atreyan neutrality.'

'I get what you're saying. That's really important. But I could wear a disguise while I'm there. It would be a lot easier for me to keep a low profile than it would for Melchor.'

'There are other candidates. It doesn't have to be either you or Melchor.'

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