Monday, May 25, 2020

Page 2319

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
Secretary Karr was visibly taken aback. "That is an incredibly generous offer, Lord Goffe! You would be leaving yourself with no means of escaping this place. Are you sure that would be wise?"

Before answering, Hector glanced toward Roman. He was the one actually paying for that plane, after all.

Roman merely returned a slight nod, apparently not feeling the need to actually interject into the conversation personally.

"We'll be fine," said Hector. "Please, take it and go."

The Secretary of State looked around at her people for a moment, then gave Hector a nod. "Thank you. We will do as you ask. But before we go, do you have any other questions for us concerning the Beast? Or anything else?"

Hector mulled it over. If this was really going to be the last chance he got to talk to any of the Lorentians before the hunt was on, then he probably shouldn't waste the opportunity. But what should he ask about?

"...Have you learned anything new about the creature since I last spoke to Ambassador Stoutamire?" said Hector.

It was her turn to think. "I already mentioned the abnormal weather. We were not previously aware that the Beast possessed any such capabilities. I suppose it could be unrelated. We have no actual proof that it is causing these strange disturbances in the environment."

It was good to be skeptical, Hector supposed, but he highly doubted that it was just some freak coincidence.

The masked Carlos Sebolt leaned in to whisper something into Hector's ear. "Lord, ask her where she last saw her security team."

"Your security escort," said Hector. "You said they went missing ten hours ago?"

"That's right."

"Where was the last place you saw them?"

"Ah... they were not all in one place together," she said. "They went missing around the same time, but I remember seeing them surveying the area in pairs. The most alarming moment was when my two personal bodyguards disappeared. Unlike the others, they were not supposed to leave my side at all."

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