Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Page 2307

~~((National Rescue Dog Day - page 15 of 20))~~
In this case, though, those caves alone probably wouldn't have been enough. There were more reporters waiting for him at the airport concourse. By then, the Rainlords had rejoined him, and he was faced with a difficult decision. Split up again? Or just encase all the cameras in iron? He'd done the latter before, and it certainly hadn't won him any points with the media.

He was more concerned about the reporters noticing the four Rainlords in his company. He doubted any normal person would recognize them, and if they acted casual, they could just pass as normal bodyguards, but it was still a risk that Hector preferred not to take.

Hmm. Maybe he could just armor the Rainlords up.

No, wait, that would freak the media out even more, wouldn't it? They might think there were suddenly five Darksteel Soldiers or some shit.

"Having problems?" came a deep, yet oddly familiar voice.

Hector turned to see that it belonged to a uniformed pilot. Then he did a double take when he saw that it was Roman Fullister. "What're you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd let you go to Lorent without me, did you?" The base in his voice was so much heavier than usual.

"...Are you using vibrations to modulate your own voice now?" said Hector.

Roman chuckled. "Yeah. Pretty neat, right? I should've tried this out ages ago. Once I get the hang of it, I feel like I might be able to pull off some killer impressions."

Hector exhaled half a laugh. Roman had been staying at Warrenhold with everyone else, so him showing up at the airport like this was highly unnecessary.

Carlos Sebolt was the first to point that fact out. "If you wanted to come along, you could've just accompanied us when we left the castle."

"Where would be the fun in that?" said Roman, returning his voice to normal.

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