Chapter One: ‘O, benevolent darkness...!’
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“Hello there, friend.”
“...Where am I? What’s happening?”
“Easy now. Don’t panic. Everything’s alright.”
“...What’s going on? Why can’t I see anything?”
“I’m going to tell you, but I need you to listen. I promise to answer all of your questions, so just try to stay calm, okay?”
“Listen. You’re dead.”
“You’re dead. You don’t have a physical body, anymore. That’s why you can’t see or move.”
“...What kind of crazy joke is this?”
“I’m sorry, friend, but I’m not joking. If I were joking, you’d be laughing. I’m hilarious.”
“What the...?”
“Just relax a moment and think about it. You should remember your death.”
“But... I...”
“Do you remember?”
“I... yes... I remember... I...”
“Don’t worry. It’s alright. I was there when you died. I know what happened.”
“I’m... really dead?”
“...Does that mean... this is... some kind of afterlife?”
“Not quite. You haven’t reached that point, yet.”
“...What do you mean? Why not? Is it... because I...?”
“No, it’s nothing like that. Everything is perfectly normal. I just woke you up a little early, is all. Because before you move on, I have a proposition for you.”
“Proposition...? Who are you?”
“I’m called a few different things, but you’d probably know me best as a reaper. You know. The grim kind.”
“The hell...?”
“I guide and protect souls as they make the journey into the afterlife. Or oblivion. Whichever.”
“You... don’t know?”
“Sure don’t. I’m just a ferryman.”
“Oh... that’s... disappointing...”
“Hey. It bothers me, too. In fact, shut up about it. I don’t need you reminding me of my shortcomings.”
“Uh, sorry...”