“Er, yeah...” He nodded again.
‘You should know, however, that I will always require this of you. My entire purpose in reviving you is so that you can help me save lives. So no matter how your life may change--be it a new job, getting married, having children, or anything else--if you ever become unable to help me, then I will have to release your soul and find someone else.’
“O-okay...” He squinted. “But... how could I ever become ‘unable’ to help you? I mean... I doubt I’ll ever be too busy to go save a person’s life...”
‘That’s good of you to say, but it may not always be your decision. For instance, if your brain ended up in a jar, you wouldn’t be able to save anyone. And I wouldn’t be able to get you out. Well. Maybe if it was a weak jar. I mean, a REALLY weak jar. I’m not too sure.’
He blinked a couple times. “Uh... what? Why would my brain end up in a jar?”
‘I dunno. I was just giving an example.’
That example was far too specific, Hector felt. “Are... are you gonna ask me to fight a mad scientist or something?”
‘Oh, um. I wasn’t planning on it, but I can’t say its an impossibility, either. Who knows what the future will bring, right?’
“Er... right...” Hector’s gaze drifted toward the ground for a moment, then to the unbroken skin on his arms again. "I do have a question, though...”
‘What is it?’
“If... if you can... resurrect people like this... then... why don’t you... you know... do it... for everyone?”
Garovel hesitated. ‘Uh. What? I can’t understand you. Stop pausing so much when you talk.’
“Agh...” He tried again. “If you can resurrect people, then... why don’t you just... resurrect everyone?”
‘You’re still pausing. I told you to stop that.’