Saturday, April 6, 2013

About the Story

~~A young man dies and is offered to be revived by a grim reaper in exchange for servitude. Responsibilities typically include the fight against abominable horrors, human or otherwise. However, this young man already has a few problems of his own... such as crippling shyness.~~

General Information
My current update schedule is at the top of the site, just under the big, glowy title. I've chosen to update in this fashion not because I expect readers to actually read each new piece as it is posted, but because it helps me keep a good writing pace. Additionally, I may put out extra pages for holidays as well.

The setting of the story is a modern fantasy world called Eleg, which is culturally and technologically similar to present day Earth in many ways, yet also divergent in many others. It's not an alternate timeline, as Eleg has its own geography and political systems, but there are still some historical parallels.

Often, the story will contain very dark subject matter. Similarly often, there will be very strong language. It gets super violent and gory, too.

Suggested Methods of Reading
If you like the story and wish to follow it regularly, I recommend returning on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Or perhaps (and this may sound strange coming from the author), you might want to just forget about this story for a while. That way, when you eventually remember, you'll have a massive archive to dive into. Though, I'd also appreciate you recommending the story to other people while you're away. And while you're not away, I suppose. Really, I just appreciate recommendations. New readers are the best support possible for me.

I also recommend bookmarking the pages you stop at with your web browser, so if you'd like to pick it up again later, you won't spend ages trying to find where you left off.

Obviously, you're free to follow the story however you like, but just know that I generally write the story to be digested on a chapter-by-chapter basis. I post daily for MY sake, because the frequent deadlines keep me frequently motivated.

Long-term Plans
You may be wondering what my overall goals are for the story. Do I already have the whole thing written. Do I know exactly how many chapters there will be. That kind of thing. Here's the answer.

I write TZK in major story arcs. I plot things out really far ahead. I write less far ahead. I don't really have an ending in mind, because I don't intend to stop writing this story for a LONG ASS TIME. I do have a few ideas of how I might like to conclude things, but there's just way too much stuff I wanna do with the story first. It's a really big world, and I still see way too much potential in it to be worrying myself over the final story arcs anytime soon.

Um. If you happen to spot any typos... then I'd be glad if you pointed them out to me in the comments... even if you're, like... a total dick about it... I'll still be happy and fix them.

If you spot a plot hole or continuity error in the story, then... YOU'RE A LIAR. I DON'T MAKE MISTAKES. I'M PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. LOOK HOW PERFECT I AM. No, but if you really do see one and mention it in the comments, then I may try to address it in the future, if possible. If you're wrong, though, and it's actually not a mistake, then I will call you names and insult your hair.