Friday, May 1, 2020

Page 2245

~~((The Totally-Not-Random May 1st Special -- page 9 of 18))~~
"Would that not run the risk of worsening the situation?" said the King. "I highly doubt that these nations will appreciate us sticking our noses in their business. Not to mention, these are war zones you're talking about. Sending anyone to them, trained or not, would be playing with fire."

'Your concern is understandable, but with the right agents, that should be a non-issue. Those with proper espionage training will know the importance of avoiding exactly what you are talking about. It is a harsh reality, but spies know what they are signing up for. If they are caught, the likelihood of rescue is virtually nonexistent, because their homeland cannot risk acknowledging their mission.'

The King just frowned.

'Even in this modern age, there are many political prisoners all over the world for this very reason. Many of them will die in captivity unless their governments manage to strike deals for them--which is unlikely when those governments cannot confirm their association to them without inviting war.'

"You are not making your recommendation sound any more appealing," said the King.

'I am simply telling you the truth. Sugarcoating it would do us no favors. Skilled spies are an invaluable resource, Your Highness, and if ever there was a time to make use of them, it would be now.'

The King exhaled a long breath. "Do you have anyone in mind for these tasks?"

'Well... it pains me to admit it, but yes. My own children would be well-suited to such missions.'

Everyone was surprised to hear him say that.

'Believe me--I do not make that recommendation lightly. Knowing the danger as well as I do, I have been instructing my children for years in the finer points of discretionary operations. They are all highly qualified.'

There arrived a period of persistent silence.

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