Friday, May 1, 2020

Page 2254

~~((The Totally-Not-Random May 1st Special -- page 18 of 18))~~
'Sanctioned?' said Hector. He didn't want to humor the notion that the government itself could be behind the human trafficking going on in Vantalay, but he wasn't so naive as to think it impossible. 'Really?'

'Sure,' said Garovel. 'Vantalay is one of the invading nations in the war. I can't say I have much faith in their moral values, at the moment.'

Hector frowned as he took a deep breath. And not for the first time that evening, he asked the reaper, 'So what do we do?'

Garovel was silent, perhaps not caring to repeat that he didn't know.

This stalemate was getting them nowhere. Hector needed to say something to push the conversation forward, even if he already had a fair idea of how Garovel would react.

'Maybe I should go to Vantalay myself,'

'No,' the reaper said flatly with no discernible surprise. He'd been expecting that suggestion, hadn't he?

'I know it's not exactly ideal, but--'

'It's a bad idea, Hector.'

He shook his head. 'I'm not saying it isn't, but I can't let Melchor go, either. He's the most reliable warrior in Atreya, right now. If he leaves, this war gets a whole lot scarier. Leo gets a whole lot scarier.'

'You are a stabilizing force in this country, Hector. And not just in terms of the economy. In terms of Leo as well. You leaving would be much more dangerous for Atreya than Melchor leaving. Hardly anyone even knows he's here.'

'That's just public perception, Garovel. I'm talking about actually protecting the country from potential invaders. Or from Leo. Melchor is way more valuable in that regard than I am. No question. We NEED him to stay. And the attention he would draw in Vantalay...'

'Hector. While you're not as famous as him internationally, you're nuts if you think no one would notice you suddenly showing up there. And we have to consider the greater context of the continental war. Above all else, we can't allow this mission to look like an act of aggression from Atreya. YOU would represent Atreya. Melchor would not.'

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