Monday, May 18, 2020

Page 2290

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
Granted, she had expressed her disapproval of the Triplets before the war began. She was now inclined to cut them a modicum of slack for having to deal with such an unexpected development in their mission.

And as tempting as it was to blame them for their recklessness, a part of her felt as if she would have done exactly the same thing in their shoes.

They may have been young. They may have been a bunch of goofballs.

But they were not meek.

They had put themselves in danger just to increase the odds of their mission's success. To save those poor townsfolk.

Just because their plan hadn't worked out perfectly for them didn't meant they hadn't acted like true Rainlords.

Regardless, she was still planning to give Raul a piece of her mind when she saw him.

The limousine came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road, and the passengers all looked around in order to figure out why. It didn't take long to noticing the line of people standing in front of the car--followed by a few more who appeared at the vehicle's flanks.

Their driver muttered something in Valgan. Evangelina didn't speak it, but the timbre of his voice made his fear apparent to her, nonetheless.

Shouting arrived from one of the men standing in the road. More Valgan.

Ezura, Evangelina's reaper, was kind enough to privately translate for her. 'They said, "Come on out of there, whoever you are."'

Hmm. Evangelina didn't recognize any of their faces, but she almost didn't even need to. The expressions on those faces... she'd seen them countless times before.

The smiles of madmen.

And their behavior? Standing in the middle of the road? Just for a chance to talk to a few people whom they apparently knew nothing about? It was a fair bet that this was Morgunov's side of Abolish here.

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