Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Page 2308

~~((National Rescue Dog Day - page 16 of 20))~~
Salvador chortled and slapped a meaty hand on Roman's shoulder, making the man's whole body shake. "You are a strange one, Mr. Fullister!"

"Do you have some way around those reporters for us?" asked Carlos.

"It just so happens that I've got a spare plane that we can use. One that our media friends over there don't know about."

Hector was reminded of something. "That isn't the same plane that you stole from the Vanguard, is it?"

The Rainlords all snapped to attention in unison at that question.

"Oh, no, don't worry," said Roman. "I got rid of that thing a long time ago. Can't just leave a loose end like that hanging around. Even if it is worth millions of troa."

"So you bought a whole new plane, then?" said Hector.

"Nah, I only chartered this one," said Roman. "Less expensive this way. I do want to get another one eventually, though."

Roman guided them to the hangar where it was being kept. It was a handsome machine, painted white-and-silver and bearing the black insignia of a sword with wings--the logo of the Gray Rock International Airport.

"How long ago did you charter this thing?" said Hector.

"Oh, it's been a good while," said Roman. "Almost twenty-four whole hours."

Hector just shook his head and laughed as he boarded the plane.

It didn't take much longer for the small crew to finish preparations. Hector also discovered that Fidel Blackburn was a certified pilot, and with Roman's permission, he was allowed into the cockpit with the aircraft's otherwise lone airman.

Soon enough, they were in the air and leaving the country.

With Lorent being so close, Hector had at first thought that an airplane wouldn't be necessary, but after a quick geography lesson on the internet, he realized that Lorent was actually kind of huge--and their destination was the Imara Forest, deep in the heart of the country. This way, it would only take a few hours to reach instead of all night.

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