Friday, May 1, 2020

Page 2252 -- CCXX.

~~((The Totally-Not-Random May 1st Special -- page 16 of 18))~~
Mara was not done talking. "The report mentioned one other thing. Apparently, the team was also able to identify someone there named 'the Killer of Krohin.' Do you know who that is, Lord?"

Hector shook his head.

"Neither do I," she said, "but the Rainlords do. The Blackburns are already talking about sending reinforcements to Vantalay."

"Who are they talking about sending?"

"The Lord Melchor Blackburn, I believe."

Hector's eyes widened.

Chapter Two Hundred Twenty: 'O, makeshift stratagem...'
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

Thankfully, the meeting between Hanton and the King did not last much longer. Perhaps they could tell that Hector had other matters to attend to now but nonetheless still felt obligated to keep an eye on King William. Whatever the case, Hector was grateful that he could get back down into Warrenhold and meet with the Rainlords directly about the report from Vantalay.

The details he learned were even less encouraging than those provided to him by Mara.

As one might've expected, this "Killer of Krohin" was a famous member of Abolish. Not in the same league as Ivan, perhaps, but still potent enough that the Rainlords felt that they would have to send someone of incredible strength in the event that a battle broke out.

There was discord, however.

Not everyone agreed that reinforcements should be sent at all. A strong constituent of Rainlords wanted to simply abort the mission and call the Triplets back to Warrenhold.

And indeed, Hector could see the wisdom in that decision. Whatever the Sword of Unso might be capable of, it probably wasn't worth this level of risk. There were other locations they could send the Triplets.

But this crisis in Miro was a problem. This was exactly the kind of thing that Hector had been worried about. And now there was Donald Elias to worry about, too? Suddenly, Hector had several reasons to keep this mission active.


What a mess.

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