Friday, June 5, 2020

Page 2334

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
'Really? I didn't think it was that much,' said Pauline. 'You must be a very private person.'

"Hah. That's rich, coming from a Gaolanet," said Roman.

'Fair point.'

Roman put a smile back on as he changed the subject. "So would you mind making an avatar for us to speak with? It's kinda awkward just talking to thin air, you know."

'I could, but would it not be difficult to explain to our Lorentian friends why a new person suddenly appeared?'

"Mm, not if your avatar was a dog," said Roman.

Pauline gave a telepathic sigh.

Hector decided to offer her some help. "Or you could just make it so that only the Atreyans can see your avatar, no?"

"Agh. Hector, buddy, you're killin' me here."

'No offense, but I don't see much point in making an avatar that can only be seen by those of you who already possess knowledge of Sparrows. That would be like me asking you to do a handstand purely for my own amusement.'

Hector just shrugged. He didn't much care, either way.

Roman sure did, though. "So a talking dog it is, then!"

'Sorry, but that's not happening, either.'

"Aw, c'mon, really?"

'It's not that simple. Creating new avatars is a long and arduous process.'

"Oh yeah? How come?"

'What do you mean how come? How long would it take YOU to create an illusory avatar for yourself? Oh, that's right, you can't.'

"Hey, hey, I didn't mean that as an insult. I was actually asking why it would take so long. What makes it so difficult?"

'Well, every perceivable detail must be accounted for in order for it to be truly lifelike. It requires considerable planning and building. And if my knowledge of the subject that I am trying to replicate is in some way lacking, then it will undoubtedly show in the finished product.'

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