Saturday, June 6, 2020

Page 2352

~~((National Yo-Yo Day - page 17 of 20))~~
'Well, the Lorentian Secretary of State is also missing,' said Hector.

'Oh. Fantastic,' said Garovel.

'And so is everyone she was with. As well all the Rainlords who came with me.'

'Holy shit, Hector. You're alone, right now?'

'Well, Pauline Gaolanet is with me.'


'Look, uh, let's focus on what's important here. What about the Rainlords' reapers? Can you sense Mevox? Or any of the others?'

'Ugh. One second.'

Truth be told, Hector actually kind of appreciated Garovel's attempts at levity, because his imagination was already running wild in the worst way. How could Voreese be missing? She was in completely different country. Surely, it was impossible for--

'Yeah, I can't sense any of them, either,' said Garovel.

'Fuck,' said Hector.

'I'm gonna have to tell the other Rainlords about this,' the reaper said. 'And sooner rather than later. Assuming they haven't noticed already, that is.'

Hector could see where this was going. They were going to send reinforcements. It was only a matter of time.

That could complicate matters significantly. But it could also help significantly.

Well, he had bigger things to worry about, right now. If Voreese and the other reapers had somehow been brought here against their will, then everyone was in much more danger now. He wanted to believe that they would be fine, considering how strong they all were, but this situation was just so weird.

'Do whatever you've gotta do, Garovel. I'm going to look for everyone.'

'Alright. Try to be careful. And maybe give me a warning if you're about to do something that might make me mysteriously go missing as well.'

'Okay. Um. I'm about to do that right now, actually.'

'Excuse me? What're you about to do?'

'Go down into the hole where everyone else disappeared.'

'Agh. Okay. Well. Good luck, I guess.'


Much to his dismay, however, the short trip down into the airport's underground area proved fruitless. It really was empty, just as the Scarf had told him.

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