Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Page 2379

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
"You do not know of it?" said the Beast. "Well, of course you don't. I thought because you are an aura warrior, you might be less ignorant than the rest of your kind, but I see now that I was mistaken."

"Y'know, for someone with so many children, you're surprisingly childish yourself," said Lord Goffe.

Pauline's beady eyes widened a little at that comment.

"...In what way am I childish?" said the Beast.

"Mocking people who are earnestly trying to learn--that's a hallmark of immaturity," said Lord Goffe.

The monster didn't say anything.

Pauline honestly thought it might just start attacking again, but the Lord of Warrenhold didn't seem too concerned. Was he just that confident?

Well, it wasn't like he had no reason to be, but still... she might've liked it if he took a more delicate approach here. But then again, it wasn't like she knew how someone was supposed to converse with a violent interdimensional hellbeast.

"So what is this Infinite Current you mentioned?" said Lord Goffe. He sounded as though he were asking about something as typical as the weather.

The Beast took its time responding. "...I do not know how to explain it to one who has never experienced it."

"Ah. Wait a minute. Is that why you feel the need to kill people? So that they can experience this Infinite Current for themselves?"

"Yes. Perhaps you do understand."

"How do you know the they'll end up in the Infinite Current when they die?"

"It is what all of existence is reduced to in the end."

"Alright, but how do you know that?"

"Because it is where I come from."

A beat passed as Lord Goffe mulled that over. "But according to you, we all come from this Chaos, right? So why don't I have this knowledge, too?"

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