Friday, June 12, 2020

Page 2372

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
Clearly, the Lord Goffe was not bothered by the nighttime darkness that should've made the hole difficult to see for any normal human's eyes, because he launched them both downward on a metal rail.

If not for that reassuring aura of his, she might've thought he was trying to kill her.

Then it became truly dark. Even her eyes couldn't see anything, and she had to rely entirely on her mind for guidance. She might've expected him to ask her for directions again, but at the rate they were moving, that was apparently not necessary. The musty underground air rushed past her feathers at a speed that felt similar to flying through the open sky, and more than once, she flinched at an approaching rock wall that she barely sensed before being instantly veered away from.

It was a literal roller coaster ride.

Which was particularly strange for her, because she'd never actually experienced such a thing. Amusement parks didn't make seats big enough for her. If this was what it was like, she could suddenly understand why so many people screamed their heads off while riding them.

They shot into a cavern that was so huge, she nearly thought they'd somehow returned to surface and were outside again. Light had returned as well, but it was different. It was a ghostly blue and gray color, and it came entirely from the field of gigantic mushrooms below them--the same ones from the psychic history.

There was precious little time to admire them, though. She could already see the battle taking place in the distance, and the Lord Goffe was veering them toward it.

Pauline tried to prepare her heart. She'd never gotten involved in full combat before, but she'd experienced it in training with her father and in psychic constructs many times.

This would not be like any of that, she felt.

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