Friday, June 19, 2020

Page 2382

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
"Why not?" said Lord Goffe. "Why do you refuse something as simple as not attacking us?"

"Because you wish to destroy me," said the monster. "If I promise not to attack you, then I would be giving you free reign to attack me without reprisal."


"What? Are you confused again?"

"No. It's just... I think most people would not consider it to be breaking your promise if you attacked us in self-defense only."

"I do not care what most people would think. A promise broken is a promise broken."

"Sure, but context is important, no?"


That left a flat silence in its wake. Pauline could only wonder how Lord Goffe intended to responded to something like that. The more she learned about this creature, the less she felt she understood it. It made more sense to her when she thought it was just a mindless beast driven only by violent instinct.

"You really do hate lying, don't you?" said Lord Goffe.


"Why is that, exactly? I mean, sure, it's perfectly natural not to like dishonesty, but, uh... you seem to take it to take the extreme. Is there some reason for that?"


"...Please tell me that reason, then."


"Because I'm trying to understand you."


"Because you interest me."


"Okay, stop saying that. It's really annoying."

For a moment, Pauline expected it to ask why again, but it didn't.

Instead, the Beast took a moment, and then said, "Lying is evil. Is that not obvious to you?"

Hector took a moment of his own, now. "...But what if your lie protects someone?"

"A lie upon a lie."

"You don't think it's possible for a lie to protect someone?"

"No. Lies only lead to destruction. Of the self. And of the world."

Lord Goffe made no response.

"Again, I should not have to tell you this, aura warrior. Did you learn nothing from the foul deeds of the Deceiver?"

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