Monday, June 15, 2020

Page 2376

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
"You've encountered many humans before," said Lord Goffe.

"Yes," said the monster.

"And you killed them all?"



"They would have killed me and my spawn."

"...But you just said that they wished to talk."

"They wished to lie. Or to convince me to spare their worthless lives."

"I see."

More silence drew out as neither side anything, perhaps considering their next words. Or perhaps considering if they should simply start attacking again.

One might have thought that the cessation of battle had at least partially defused the situation, but Pauline could tell from the two auras that this was not the case. They were both growing, not diminishing.

The Lord Goffe and the Beast of Lorent.

Pauline could hardly imagine two more opposing auras. One was gentle and warm, reassuring and sturdy. The other was furious and cold, clawing and wild.

And the way they clashed with one another. It was like an ocean crashing against a cliff. Equal, yet unrelenting.

Even the humans could probably sense the clash, to some extent. No doubt, that was playing a role in their apparent deference to the Lord of Warrenhold's handling of the conversation, right now--including that big human, who had a bit of his own aura boiling around him.

"...In that case, why is this time different?" said Lord Goffe. "Why are you interested in what I have to say?"

"You are holding my spawn hostage," said the Beast.

Lord Goffe relinquished a nod at that, perhaps admiring the monster's honesty.

"And I saw you," said the Beast. "You looked at me. At my life. You've seen me. Perhaps you understand me."

"Is that what you want?" said Lord Goffe. "To be understood?"

"In part. Yes. That is why my spawn is numerous. They are my children, as you might say, no?"

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