Saturday, June 6, 2020

Page 2342

~~((National Yo-Yo Day - page 7 of 20))~~
There was so much loose debris in the air. Clusters of leaves, splintered wood, busted concrete, glass shards, metal scraps, and clouds of dust obscuring everything--Hector knew he couldn't just ignore it all. Garovel wasn't here to regenerate any injuries. If that metal pole flying toward him gored him through the chest, that would be the end of this mission.

It broke upon Haqq's shield without even so much as denting it, but there was more all around. The shield could probably stop just about anything the tornado wanted to throw at him, but doing that required constant attention and concentration.

He wanted a more streamlined solution, like maybe a giant orb of meter-thick iron, but he knew that if he did that, then the Scarf would be cut off from the wind, which would render him blind.

No. He as thinking too defensively. He was always like that, wasn't he? Perhaps that was just his natural state of mind. But that wasn't what was needed. He couldn't bring down this tornado by just protecting himself.

He had to be aggressive.

Right about now, he was seriously regretting not devoting more of his materialization studies to aerodynamics. No time to dwell on it, though. It seemed obvious enough disrupting the cyclical flow of air would hurt the tornado. How to go about it, though?

First ideas first. A big ass wall. He materialized in midair on the side of the tornado that was opposite to himself, and he started growing in both dimensions, making it as tall and wide as he possibly could.

More debris kept threatening him, though. He had to twist his body around to bat away a splintered tree trunk before it could skewer him, then a block of crumbling concrete, and then--oh shit, a truck.

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