Saturday, June 6, 2020

Page 2340

~~((National Yo-Yo Day - page 5 of 20))~~
The Rainlords seemed to have the others covered pretty well now, so Hector shifted more of his focus to creating towers. His first attempts hadn't held together very well, but that was because they hadn't been solid enough. He'd instinctively made them more porous in design--like radio towers, perhaps--but in this case, thicker might've been better.

And more than anything, he needed an extremely heavy foundation, lest the winds would immediately launch them into the air, so he started with a giant block of solid iron on the airport's tarmac, as large as the plane they'd arrived in. He added multiple spires to it, and also kept expanding out the base to give it extra grip on the ground.

The spires began to buckle almost immediately, so he had to annihilate and remake them. And it didn't stop happening the second or even third times, either. He just had to keep rebuilding.

But they were catching lightning alright. Which was all that mattered, he supposed.

It became a constant effort to maintain, but that was fine. He gave it its own thought process while he reassessed the situation.

The tornado had fully touched down, but it wasn't coming toward them, thankfully. Not yet, at least. The Rainlords were ushering everyone to another location and trying to catch his attention, so he gave an acknowledging wave and started following, bringing up the rear of their procession.

Behind him, the walls were coming down and chunks of the floor were flying up into the sky. He could even feel his feet beginning to catch a bit too much air with each new step he took, so he added more weight to his armor in order to help anchor himself.

He pushed onward through the punishing wind, each step becoming a task unto itself as he tried his best to maintain full awareness of the situation. The status of the lightning rods. His own armor. The location of the tornado. The location of the Rainlords and Lorentians.

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