Monday, June 15, 2020

Page 2377

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
"Hmm." Lord Goffe folded his armored arms. "What else do you want, then?"

"To flourish," said the monster. "To prosper. And to share the fruits of my labor with all."

"With all? Does that include us humans?"

"Of course."

"...What exactly are the 'fruits of your labor' that you wish to share with us?"

"In short? The primacy of being."

"...And what do you mean by that?"

"Most creatures do not understand the value of their own existence. I think that is a terrible shame. To live without the realization of the miracle that is yourself."

Lord Goffe made no response, perhaps because he didn't know what to say.

If so, Pauline wouldn't blame him. What the hell was that thing even saying? She had no idea. It sounded oddly optimistic, but she also still remembered what the Beast considered to be sharing its "joy."

"You do not understand after all, do you?" The Beast's enormous body shifted somewhat, bubbling beneath its skin in grotesque fashion. Was it preparing to transform again?

"...Where are you from?" said Lord Goffe. "Originally, I mean. Before you were brought here."

"A truly silly question," said the Beast. "I come from the same place as everyone and everything."

"Which is?"

"You know it."

"...Pretend I don't."

"You fear to utter it? I find that quite pathetic, aura warrior."

"You're the one who's avoiding the question."

"Hmph. Chaos. I am of Chaos. As are we all."

What the hell? It wasn't talking about that Chaos, was it? The imaginary 'nothingness' from which all thought supposedly emerges? According to certain religions, anyway. This thing wasn't religious, was it?

She was so confused that it was almost difficult to continue listening.

"...Okay," said Lord Goffe. "But how did you get here? In Lorent? Where were you born? And who brought you here?"

"Trivialities. Details that only humans obsess over."

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