Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Page 170

What the hell are you doing?!’ said Voreese. ‘That guy is beating your ass!

“Shut up!” Roman’s lungs convulsed in his ribcage. “It’s the acid! It’s really hard to move when I don’t have any fucking muscles!”

Don’t be a wuss, Roman!

“Fuck off!”

The big man stomped toward them. Roman slammed a bony fist to the ground, and the giant sunk through a sudden hole in the concrete. Up to his belly, he struggled a moment, then tore his way out of the ground, preparing another swell of acid in his gut.

Hector covered the man’s mouth in iron.

Acid spewed forth and ate through the metal, but not before splashing back onto his face. His eyes boiled out of his head.

Roman blinked. “Nice one, kid--”

The man lumbered forward anyway and vomited more acid on him.

“Fuckin’ dammit.” Roman struggled to raise a steaming hand as the man drew closer.

Lynnette’s sword exploded out the giant’s forehead. She clung to his back as he hit the ground face-first. Everyone stared at her as she wiped her blade on the dead man’s shirt.

“Where’s the other guy?” said Roman. “If we get both their brains, we can stop them from regenerating.”

“He blew up,” said Hector. “I’m pretty sure his brain isn’t in one piece anymore...”

“Shit. Then his reaper can remake him anywhere.”

If Desmond is coming after us again, then we should prepare to receive him in a more favorable location,’ said Garovel.

Agreed,’ said Voreese. ‘Roman?

“Alright, follow me everyone. Carry the Queen, kid.”

His name is Hector. And mine is Garovel.

Hector dragged himself over to the Queen as the last of his broken bones repaired themselves. Lynnette offered assistance, but he was strong enough again to carry Helen on his own.

“Dammit.” Roman stood over the big guy’s corpse. “The acid seeped in and started melting his brain. This guy’s gonna be remade somewhere else, too.”


  1. "Everyone stared at her as she [missing] her blade on the dead man's shirt."

    I am guessing the missing word is something along the lines of "wiped" but I wanted to point it out for you.


  2. How exactly did the big guy discover his power? Hector found iron dust on his hands... did the big guy get drunk one night and hurl, discovering his puke ate through the toilet?

    1. Well wouldnt that just be wonderful, and a great story for his comrades 'ey?

    2. That would be an amusing anecdote, yeah.

  3. Oh yea, before a forget, i need to state this.

    <>-<>!!!I CATCH UP!!!<>-<>

  4. I'm begging ya, please have Roman turn into the cool anti-hero. I think you were going for that with Colt, but I like Roman loads better. At the very least he can be obstacle in Hector's progress. The benchmark with which to measure himself by. I just like him. And Voreese isn't too shabby either. Wasn't Voreese supposed to be a girl though. Don't really get that feeling here...

  5. I remember a LONG time ago.
    This was the most current page, and I read it to see what it was about.
    First page I read. Damn well worth it.

  6. I would think being stabbed through the head would make any acid damage a moot point.
