Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Page 2332

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
'...I suppose I could,' said Pauline. 'But why would I do that?'

Roman shrugged. "Because it'd be fun?"

'I'm already a talking bird. Is that not enough for you?'

"What can I say? I want to experience all of life's great wonders."

'Are you telling me that a talking dog is better than a talking bird?'

"Hmm. That depends. Would saying that piss you off?"

'Quite possibly.'

"Ah, so you Sparrows are proud of your heritage, then? That's cool. I can respect that."

'And I suppose I can appreciate your affection for talking dogs. I'm sure they would be much more interesting than talking apes.'

"Oho! On behalf of the entire human race, I take offense to that."

'No, you don't. I'm psychic. I can tell.'

Roman laughed again. "Alright, so what am I thinking right now?"

'It doesn't quite work that way.'

"Oh? Then how does it work?"

'Thoughts are generally too complicated to read. Emotions are a bit easier. And physical senses are easiest.'

"Ah, I see. So what am I feeling right now, then?"

There arrived a pause. '...Nothing in particular?' she said.

"Wow, you're right! Good job."

'You are a very strange man, Roman Fullister.'

He perked up at that. "How do you know my last name? Did you pull that out of my brain, too?"

'Didn't I just tell you that thoughts are too difficult to read like that?'

"Yeah, but a single word probably wouldn't be so hard, would it? That, or you could've been lying. Trying to get me to let my guard down so that you could rifle through my head and learn all of my juicy secrets."

'Heh. Unfortunately, the 'size' of the thought makes little to no difference.'

"Mmhmm. You didn't deny that last thing I said, I noticed."

She gave a silent laugh. 'Do you even have any juicy secrets that I would be interested in?'

"Sure, loads."

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