--1st Anniversary Special (day 5/7, page 2/4)--
‘I guess he’s alright,’ said Chergoa, ‘if you’re into horsefaces and big foreheads. Handsome in the non-traditional sense, maybe.’
‘Shut up! You’re an idiot, oh my god!’
‘So defensive. You really do like him, huh?’
Emiliana growled under her breath until she realized that wasn’t very ladylike. The odd looks from her friends may have had something to do with it as well. She made the excuse that she’d just been trying to clear her throat, which they seemed to buy, more or less.
‘What’s so great about him, anyway?’ asked Chergoa.
She’d been expecting this question for a while. ‘He’s sweet, thoughtful, gentle, kind, handsome, and smart.’
Chergoa laughed. ‘You sure came prepared, didn’t you? How do you know that he really is all of those things, though?’
‘Because he has been friends with my brother for five years, and I have known him just as long.’
‘That doesn’t really answer the question.’
‘Ugh. You want specific examples?’
‘I suppose not. His true nature should be apparent enough if I observe him when he thinks no one is watching.’
‘That’s... that’s horrible. You shouldn’t invade his privacy.’
‘Shouldn’t. But I’m still going to.’
‘I’m telling you not to!’
‘Good thing I’m the boss in this relationship, then.’
‘He’s not even your boyfriend yet, is he?’
‘N-no... but...’
‘But what?’
‘I’m supposed to meet him after school today.’
‘Ooh. Why?’
‘He said he wants to give me a birthday present.’
‘Your birthday was two days ago.’
‘Yes, well, we didn’t have school two days ago.’
‘Sounds fishy. Maybe I should tell Cisco and have him meet you there.’
Her eyes widened. ‘Don’t!’
‘Only teasing.’
‘It’s not like Alex could do anything to you, anyway. For his own sake, I hope he doesn’t try anything.’
‘He wouldn’t do something like that.’
‘You sound convinced.’
Emiliana returned to listening to her friends. Or tried to. They were talking about the upcoming biology exam, which she wasn’t especially interested in. Not because it was boring, but rather because she wasn’t worried about it. Biology was one of her best subjects. As usual, they asked her to help them study for it, and she just kind of nonchalantly agreed.