Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Page 2686

It was sometimes difficult to wrap his head around how horrible things were in other parts of the world, right now. Before meeting Garovel and becoming a servant, he'd always just had a vague feeling that, yes, of course terrible stuff was happening out there. That was just how it was. That was life. That was humanity.

But now, it was a bit different. More and more, he was finding himself in positions where he might be able to do something about some of that horrible shit.

He didn't want to get a big head about it, of course, or start thinking he could solve all the world's problems; but it was still a pretty fucking surreal feeling to him, this notion that... well, he was holding quite a bit of power at his fingertips. And not just in terms of physical strength, either.

This sense of responsibility in the back of his mind was beginning to feel quite heavy.

But also exciting.

If things kept on like this, how much more would he be able to do? How much farther down this road would he able to travel? He had no idea, and at times, it seemed like it must all come to a screeching halt or he might go sailing off a cliff--but still, he very much wanted to find out. Because there were plenty of reasons to think that it might not all end in absolute disaster.

The other two treasure hunting teams, for instance--they'd both reported in, as well. And their news was much less troubling than that of the Vantalayan team.

They had been dispatched to completely different continents, though--Qenghis and Ardora--so there was little reason to worry that they might get caught up in this Eloan war going on.

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