Monday, October 5, 2020

Page 2648

~~((National Do Something Nice Day Special -- Page 18 of 24))~~
"Yes, we're sure you have only the noblest of intentions," said Miles. "We don't suppose there is anything we could say to convince you to leave this place, is there?"

"Lemme think! Hmm! Well, I suppose I do already have what I came for! There's no real reason I have to stick around!"

"It's a trap," said Asad. "He was waiting for--" A mechanical mask wrapped itself tightly around Asad's face.

Morgunov frowned, and the air grew abruptly heavier--so heavy in fact that it felt like gravity had increased, too. "Tsk, tsk. I haven't been this disappointed in someone in many years, Mr. Lion. That was quite uncool of you, I must say."

Miles just tilted his head, though. "You don't honestly think that you were tricking us, do you?"

Morgunov's smile returned immediately. "Well, I was hoping not, but you were a little slow getting here, so I didn't want to expect too much of you, either! And I just don't like it when people butt in on conversations that they aren't ready for. Really muddies the waters, y'know? And I hate muddy waters."

"Unless you're the one doing the muddying."

"Ooh, what could you possibly be referring to, I wonder? Probably some other thing you're misinformed about, I bet!"

Miles ignored that comment and threw a look around the area. "You're very bold, coming out here without any backup."

Rather than responding, however, Morgunov merely returned a wide, toothy grin. Then he changed the subject. "What're you doing back in Sair, by the way? Last I checked, you were over in Jesbol. Shouldn't you be handling the conflict in Melmoore, right now? Would've been a much shorter trip for you."

"You've been tracking our movements? We're honored that we warrant that much consideration."

"Don't get too happy. It's only because you're usually joined at the hip with one of the marshals. Now answer my question. Did you happen to get a little 'tip' that I might be showing up here? From an old pal, perhaps?"

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