Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Page 2684

It was simply impressive, Hector thought. Ravi might not have been a Lorent native, but Riverton P.J. certainly didn't seem to mind having him around.

Hector felt like he could learn a few things just by observing this guy, the way he conducted himself. Maybe such natural charisma wasn't possible to replicate, but there had to be some technique involved, he figured. He had wondered if maybe just asking him about directly was a good idea. Would Ravi be willing to share some of his social wisdom?

Probably. The dude seemed pretty damn agreeable about most things. Man, if the rest of the Freeman Fellowship was like Ravi, then Hector wouldn't mind meeting more of its members.

...And yet.

Despite his growing affection for Ravi Zaman, a part of Hector was very discomforted by him. This was the man's job, after all--to make people like him. Just because he was good at his job didn't mean he was good as a person. When it came down to it, Hector still barely even knew that guy.

And perhaps most of all, Rasalased's words were lingering in Hector's mind.

"Be wary of pretenders," he'd said.

Hector didn't want to believe that warning was referring to Ravi Zaman, but he also couldn't afford to ignore the possibility.

He had to stay alert. Vigilant. And at times, it felt like Riverton Hall was trying its best to prevent him from doing that, what with its fancy meals, welcoming faces, spacious rooms, comfortable beds, and beautiful views of the city and the greater Imara Forest that encompassed it.

It was such a weird feeling. He liked it here. And he didn't like how much he liked it.

With each passing day, he became more eager to get back to Warrenhold. According to Ms. Rogers, the reconstruction work on the Bell Tower was coming along quite well.

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