Monday, October 5, 2020

Page 2654

~~((National Do Something Nice Day Special -- Page 24 of 24))~~
Morgunov clicked his tongue. "Hmm, I wonder if the targeting system is off because of that hit it took or if it just needs some more tweaking in general..." He raised a hand, and two more machines leapt forth from the crowd surrounding him. "Experiment time! Hooray!"

Now there were four robots going after Miles, all deploying jet propulsion and lasers. The sky began to light up with each bright red beam, and it wasn't long before the captain general was no longer able to avoid them.

A beam skewered him through the side and severed his right arm completely. The man went tumbling down toward the ground, seemingly trying to catch himself but only managing to angle and slow his descent. He still left a large cloud of sand behind when he landed.

The machines didn't let up, though. They dove into the screen of sand, and Asad could no longer tell what was happening. More wind arrived, turning the screen into a whirlwind, then a twister, then finally a full blown tornado.

Its massive funnel just kept growing in size, obliterating dunes left and right, tossing more and more sand in the air.

Then the tornado divided. Into two. Then into three. Then four.

Four tornadoes of equal size, whipping up winds so furious that Asad could see several of Morgunov's stationary robots beginning to rattle, struggling not to get pulled in.

And the winds only kept increasing. The nearby machines had to dig into the sand with their tendrils in order to remain where they were.

Morgunov, meanwhile, was just stroking his bare chin thoughtfully as he kept observing the scene with a smile.

The flying sand was so ferocious now that Asad could feel it pelting him and starting to activate his tattoos. The slight pressure and golden glow told him that these winds had enough power behind them to tear through a normal person, and his thoughts immediately went to the two scouts.

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