Sunday, October 11, 2020

Page 2665

With so much space to work with, Morgunov had a lot of options to choose from. The Mk. IV's innards could be rearranged into a wide variety of different weapons, many of which he'd designed personally. The one that he currently had in mind, however, he actually didn't come up with. At least, not exactly. He did invent it, technically, but he only got the idea for it after watching what was otherwise a terribly made science-fiction movie.

The Anti-Air Scatterburst Particle Exciter, was one of his favorite creations of the last few decades. He hadn't used it in actual combat yet, but he'd gone through quite a long phase of testing during various field experiments.

The name hadn't really stuck, though--not even the acronym, ASPE. Instead, Jercash had started calling it the BSLG.

The Big Scary Lightning Gun.

Which, admittedly, Morgunov did like the sound of a little better. The sly boy had a way with names, dang him.

Technically, though, it wasn't quite "lightning" that it was shooting. It just kinda looked that way to the untrained eye. Really, it was just shooting a scattered group of ionic channels, through which were carried very powerful currents.

And the channels could be adjusted as desired, of course, but he had always found it best to lean into the "scatterburst" aspect of it.

The result, therefore, was a spray of lightning so massive that, for more than a few seconds, it could turn night into day.

Which was what he did now. He pointed the BSLG straight at the oncoming Vannies and let it rip.

And standing this close to it, without his passive soul defenses, he most certainly would've been rendered both blind and deaf instantaneously.

Fortunately, he was the Mad Demon.

So he just smiled with wide eyes, as if watching fireworks.

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