Sunday, June 16, 2013

Page 85

“How did you kill him?” Swank asked.

Colt furrowed his brow. “I stabbed him in the back of the head. Stupid question.”

“Yeah, but...”

Colt looked to Rofal. “So how long are you going to make me wait?”

“I’ll arrange for you to meet them tomorrow.”

“Tonight,” said Colt. “I want to see them tonight.”

That gave Rofal pause. His smile lessened. “Impatient, aren’t you?” He eyed Colt again, then the body. “Fine. I suppose you’ve earned it. I will have them brought here and give you the first three hours tonight.”

Rofal had the body moved to the medical ward, accompanied with a handful of guards. Colt handed the weird helmet off to one of them, who seemed to find it amusing.

They made their way into Rofal’s office. Rofal poured Colt a glass of whiskey. He did not offer one to Swank.

“There’s something else I’d like to know,” said Colt.

“Yes?” said Rofal.

“The money that the kid stole, what was it for?”

“Why? Did you recover it?”

“No.” The kid did have a gripload of money in his bag, Colt had discovered, but Rofal didn’t need to know that. The money was stuffed under the backseat of his car. “But you said something about it being for a seat at a table. What table?”

Rofal paused again. “Why do you want to know?”

“Let’s say I’ve been considering my circumstances,” said Colt. “And being more cooperative with you is starting to seem more advantageous.”

“I see.” Rofal leaned back in his chair. “Well, I would be lying if I said I did not want to tell you. However, if honesty is the game now, then I have to say, I am a bit taken aback by your sudden change of heart. And I have never been a very trusting man.”

“I’ve noticed.”


  1. Colt had discovered, but Rofal didn’t "needed" to know that.

    Should be "need". Terrific story, happened upon a link from, I believe.

    Please keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for the catch. Fixed now.

      And hmm. That's interesting. I'm not familiar with that site, so I'm not sure how a link would have come to be there, but um. Okay. Lovely to have you. I'm glad you're enjoying.

  2. Colt's playing with fire...there's a joke somewhere in there
