Friday, March 13, 2020

Page 2126

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
Lynnette was only growing more uncomfortable by the minute. If Hector really did harbor such feelings for her, then she had no idea what she should do. What if he actually asked her out on a date? Should she turn him down? But he was so nice... and... the last thing she wanted to do was hurt her friend's feelings.

But maybe that would be even worse? Pitying him like that? Wouldn't she be the one looking down on him, in that case? The very opposite of what she'd been worrying about a minute ago?

Agh! Why was this shit so stressful?!

"Everything alright?" came a familiar voice, making Lynnette snap to attention and see the King standing there in front of the two of them.

When the hell had he walked over here? Dear goddess, had she been that lost in thought just now? Even Hector was looking at her with apparent concern on his face.

"Yeah, everything's fine," said Lynnette. She was a bit surprised at how calm she was able to make herself sound.

The King gave her a lingering look but said nothing more of the matter. After another moment, he smiled and placed his lone hand on Hector's shoulder. "Well, in any case, I had an idea. You are still concerned about House Gaolanet, no?"

Hector gave a hesitant nod.

"Then, I say the three of us pay their estate a visit," said the King.

Hector's eyes widened a little. "Uh. Didn't you tell me that was a bad idea?"

"Ah, yes, well, perhaps you misheard me," said the King.

Hector's brow depressed a little. "I'm pretty sure I didn't, Your Highness. You said that dropping in on them unannounced would be really impolite and upset them."

The King's smile broadened. "I am not proposing that we go there unannounced. I will give them ample warning... of an hour or two."

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