Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Page 2121

Of course, that had also made things easier for the King. It would've been quite obnoxious if they'd had to go through an army of cameras and microphones at Warrenhold's front gate.

"So the King is hoping to build a strong relationship with the Rainlords for the Queen's sake," said Lynnette.

"...Probably," said Hector. "But... I think he also just really likes spending time with them."

"Yeah, that's pretty clear. They're a wealth of historical knowledge, which is obviously relevant to his interests."

Hector just nodded and said nothing more.

Lynnette was not surprised by this.

By the look of it, however, the King was still quite deep into a conversation with the giant Rainlord. They didn't seem like they would be wrapping up anytime soon.

Which left her and Hector just standing there together. Observing. In silence.

Should she try to come up with another topic of conversation? It certainly didn't seem like Hector was going to.

Agh, and why the hell was that, anyway? From what she'd seen in the past few days, he didn't seem to be having much trouble starting conversations with other people, anymore. She'd watched him get along perfectly well with loads of different Rainlords by now.

And okay, sure, maybe they were a special case for him since they'd all apparently been through so much together. Fine.

But he was also getting along super well with the King, and those two definitely hadn't been through that much together--certainly not more than Hector had been through with her, at least.

Why was it only with her that he was still going all quiet?

What sense did that make, huh?

What possible... reason... could there be...?



No, that was ridiculous. There was no way.

What kind of arrogant thinking was that, anyway? The idea that Hector might be...?




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