Saturday, March 7, 2020

Page 2117 -- CCXI.

((The For-No-Reason-In-Particular Holiday Special -- page 8 of 8))
Chapter Two Hundred Eleven: 'A grounded blade...'
Click to display entire chapter at once -- (mobile link)

There was no arguing with the King, it seemed. The man had made up his mind, and after receiving permission from the Queen, Lynnette Edith ended up staying at Warrenhold as well. The King's personal attendants seemed a bit upset by the sudden change in plans, but their displeasure quickly vanished once they realized that they would be receiving the next three days off, along with free lodging at The Blue Star--one of the most prestigious hotels in the nation.

As for herself, Lynnette didn't particularly mind staying. It was unexpected, sure, and she'd been planning to spend most of the weekend with her family, but after one phone call, they were very understanding.

Just another perk of having such a royalist family. When the King or Queen made a request, all was forgiven.

But boy, this place was quite a bit crazier than she'd expected. And these Rainlords... she found herself increasingly fascinated by them.

In recent months, she'd gotten accustomed to strangers acting warily or uncomfortably around her, thanks to the unremovable half-gauntlet on her left arm, but these people weren't afraid of her at all. If anything, they seemed more intrigued by the gauntlet.

She wondered if she had Hector to thank for their behavior. Had he told them all about her situation beforehand? Or were the Rainlords just like this all the time?

It was almost a problem, actually. Many of them were so interested in talking to her that it became difficult to stick by King William's side. It bothered her at first, but the King kept telling her to relax.

So she did. Or tried to, at least.

Thankfully, she could always find him and Hector together. The King had not been exaggerating when he said that he enjoyed Hector's company, apparently.

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