Saturday, March 7, 2020

Page 2112

((The For-No-Reason-In-Particular Holiday Special -- page 3 of 8))
"Helen's father capitulated to Rendon," said the King, "though not without considerable negotiation and concessions on Rendon's part. However, the RIB was not truly destroyed. It was merely folded up into the AFA in secret."

"...That doesn't sound very legal," said Hector.

"Oh, no, it was perfectly legal. The King had full authority to do it and broke no laws. But yes, it was morally questionable without a doubt. And in retrospect? It was most likely an enormous mistake."

"Because of the coup against your wife years later," Hector surmised.

"Yes, that was the main issue I was thinking of. But there was also the matter of the AFA itself. While its operations were greatly expanded by its absorption of the RIB, its original purpose also seemed to become lost in the shuffle."

"Original purpose?"

"To help the Crown in matters of foreign policy. To provide wise and knowledgeable counsel."


"The AFA became embroiled in so many secretive things that I believe there was no longer any one person who knew everything that it was doing--no one person who could advise the Crown, in other words."

All this information was making Hector curious about something else. "You sure seem to know a lot about this, Your Highness."

The man smirked. "Is that so surprising?"

"N-no, I just mean, uh. Er."

"Heh. I am only, how you say, joshing you."

Hector just pressed his lips together flatly.

"I am fully aware of my reputation," the King said. "The man who stands by Helen's side and contributes nothing of value. A worthless king."

"Whoa, whoa, I never said any of that. And I never thought it, either. What do you--?"

William held up his one hand. "That is kind of you to say, but there was, and likely still is, a disconcerting amount of truth in that perception of me. Which is why I have been attempting to improve myself in these past months. To familiarize myself with the true workings of this nation and its history."

Hector didn't know what to say.

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