Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Page 2123

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
While her time in high school certainly hadn't been as irregular as Hector's, it would be inaccurate to say that it had been normal. Unlike many other countries, Atreya didn't have any military academies that Lynnette could have enrolled in, so instead, she had often missed school in order to attend various "training regiments."

That was the only term that really suited them, because they were all so different--both in subject matter and in general quality of instruction. Karate, jujitsu, wrestling, swimming, endurance training, cross-country running; and then, of course, there were all the different types of weapons training--swords, firearms, pole arms, knives--even bow hunting and nunchakus, briefly.

She had dipped her toe into just about everything she laid her eyes on in the last ten years. That was not to say that she was truly proficient in all of those things, however. A single weapon could be studied for decades without ever achieving mastery over it or its kind. She had primarily just wanted to expand her martial knowledge base while searching for a discipline that she felt suited her best.

Firearm training was a no-brainer. Lynnette was of the opinion that every woman should know how to handle a basic pistol, at the very least. There was no greater equalizer between the genders than that, she felt. So, of course, she had ended up devoting considerable time to learning the in-and-out of many different types of guns.

However, nothing else had ever resonated with her quite as well as swords did. There was just something about them that she loved. Perhaps it was the myriad of ways that they could be used. Some were small; some were huge. Some were for slicing; some were for poking. Some were elegant; some were beastly. And there was an artistry to them, both in their use and in their craftsmanship. Not to mention their history.

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