Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Page 2105

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
'I'm glad he seems to be in such good spirits,' said Hector.

'I'm glad he's getting along so well with the Rainlords,' said Garovel.

'That, too.'

Hector listened to the King having a conversation with a member of House Garza, a young non-servant woman named Luciana Garza. They were talking about the history of her family.

Thanks to his daily routine of going around the castle and checking up on everything, Hector was finally getting to a point where he could remember all the Rainlords' names by their faces alone.

Luciana and her sister were the only two Garzas in all of Warrenhold, right now. Just like Diego Redwater, their House had been almost entirely captured at Rheinhal by one of the most powerful servants in the world, the Vanguardian Field Marshal Sanko.

And as Hector recalled, Luciana's sister was Elise, the non-servant woman who'd had the misfortune of ending up in Himmekel with him and the others. They weren't twins, but they looked incredibly similar to one another, with Luciana being only a year older.

Their mother, however, had not been captured by the Vanguard. She had been killed by Parson Miles, as confirmed by Zeff Elroy and Evangelina Stroud.

And knowing everything he did about them, Hector was a bit curious about their House's history as well.

Apparently, their hometown was a small place called Entierr. Their family wasn't nearly as large as some of the others, but they had played a famously important role during the Redwater Uprising. They were some of the best scouts and intelligence-gatherers on the continent, and without them, the Rainlords as a whole might very well have perished completely instead of just being pushed to the brink of extinction.

"In fact," King William was saying, "I remember reading that House Garza's actions single-handedly saved the Rainlord bloodline."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," laughed Carlos Sebolt, who was sitting adjacent Luciana. "That's taking it a bit far, I think."

"I don't know," said Luciana, who was all smiles. "I think there might be something to that."

"Yeah, sounds pretty accurate to me," added Elise.

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