After a while longer of rifling through his clothes, Hector was finally able to pick out something to wear that wasn't black.
Garovel was still not entirely pleased with the outcome, however. 'Of all the possible colors, you choose GRAY?'
It was his undershirt that he had changed. It contrasted with the black of his suit and also made his black tie more visible. "Yeah, y'know, it's like, thematic. Because we live in Gray Rock."
'So you're trying to wear the environment?'
"Look, I don't know fashion, alright? But I think it looks decent, at least. You never said I looked bad."
'No, you look fine. Very lordly. I guess. Doesn't change the fact that gray is the most boring color in the world.'
"I don't know if I can trust your opinion on this, Garovel."
'That's hurtful. In fact, I think my wound from Crowe just reopened.'
He was finally ready to leave the room, until he reached the door and remembered yet another thing that he should probably ask about. "Where's the Shard?"
'Oh, it's under your pillow,' said Garovel.
Hector gave him a look.
"You had Dimas put it under my pillow? Like the Tooth Fairy?"
'Yeah, what's wrong with that?'
"I just... I mean... why the pillow?"
'Why not? Clearly, it was a pretty good hiding spot, since you were just sleeping on it and didn't even notice.'
Alright, whatever. Hector ventured over to the bed and grabbed it. "Did you tell Dimas how important it is, too?"
'I think so. Sort of. My memory's a little fuzzy on that one. I don't think I went into detail about it being your personal hotline to an ancient warrior god of his ancestral rivals.'
"That does seem like it would be a little hard to explain..."
As they left the room, Hector briefly wondered if perhaps he could've located the Shard without asking Garovel where it was. He recalled having some weird kind of... extra awareness of its location in the past. Maybe if he'd concentrated, he could've sussed it out on his own.
Hmm. Maybe he'd try to test that theory out later.