Thursday, November 26, 2020

Page 2791

~~((Thanksgiving Special - page 7 of 30))~~
Hector didn't bother collecting them yet. He didn't know if the birds would be able to break free without assistance, and he didn't want to bring them so close to his body and to Garovel while lacking that critical piece of information.

The flock as a whole still remained quite strong, though. The density of birds packed in there was even greater than he thought. Already, they were spitting fire and acid in his direction.

He had to move, but not before launching one of his boulders at them. It rocked through them, attracting lightning and acid attacks that caused it to crack apart and scatter--but that still didn't render it worthless. The broken chunks sprayed across the flock in a wide pattern, smashing clusters of birds out of formations and sending blood and feathers flying.

Hmm. He felt like that had done even more damage to them than if the birds had just tried to avoid the boulder altogether. Maybe they didn't expect it to have that much force behind it.

Or maybe they were just a bunch of stupid birds that attacked anything that came close.

If that was the case, then he could probably take advantage of that, couldn't he?

He knocked himself away from his upside down platform just as it was engulfed in flames and acid--a combination which combusted and sent him tumbling through open air again.

He was getting used to this, though. He still had more boulders in orbit around him, and it wasn't that much more difficult to keep them there even while moving like this, so long as he maintained his focus.

The flock was still chasing him, but it had lost probably a third of its number already.

Time to make it more.

He repeated his process, catching himself on another big slab of materialized iron that was moving with him through the air, then clapping more boxes around more birds.

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