Saturday, November 14, 2020

Page 2761

The reapers were still conversing about one thing or another, but he could barely catch what they were they were saying. It seemed like they still had a bit more time before arrival.

His mind lingered on that conversation with Rasalased for a while, going over everything they'd talked about.

In the end, though, he couldn't help coming away with this very uncomfortable feeling. This feeling like Rasalased had been keeping something from him, like the Dry God had ended things prematurely for some reason.

And with everything else going on in the world right now, Hector didn't appreciate all the terrible things that might imply.

It made him wonder if something was going on with Asad, with his imprisonment. Or with something else entirely, perhaps. Considering how Rasalased had apparently chosen not to warn him about the attack on Sair, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that the Dry God might do something like that again.

Hector sighed.

It was understandable, he supposed. Rasalased had his own reasons. Of course he did. Hector couldn't exactly fault him for that.

He couldn't help feeling a bit disillusioned, though. He'd have to be careful of growing too reliant on Rasalased for guidance.

At length, the deafening howl of wind around the vehicle began to lessen, and Hector could see the ground approaching through the window. Dimas Sebolt set the car down in the middle of an empty road.

Everyone exited together, wanting to stretch their legs and take in the landscape. They seemed to be pretty far away from civilization, though, because there wasn't much light to work with. Only the stars and a dim moon staved off pitch blackness.

According to Levinox, Abbas' group was already quite close. The reaper had been in constant communication with them, coordinating their approach by feeding information to Dimas during the flight.

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