~~((Thanksgiving Special - page 27 of 30))~~
"Shit..." As he got changed, a different question occurred to him. "So wait a minute, how do these soul compasses work, exactly? Can they help you track down ANY soul you want?"
'No. Only souls that you are bonded with, such as that between a reaper and servant.'
'Which is why Abolish actually might NOT be using a soul compass to track Ivan, just yet. Because it means that Ivan's reaper has to be involved in the chase. Which is risky. And with the war going on, they probably can't spare that much high-level manpower to protect the reaper while they go on some long ass soul hunt across the world.'
'Such hunts have been known to last for years or even decades, in extreme cases. I remember one time, about 1500 years ago, when a prince of the Mohssian Empire was captured by a famous general of the Valgan Empire. Now THAT was a hunt. A half century of constant clashes spanning the entire planet, including the Undercrust. I've heard it called the greatest chase in history.'
'It finally ended when the chase led them to Exoltha, and a group of feldeaths annihilated both parties.'
"Holy shit..."
'Yeah, it was pretty fucked. And also a valuable lesson. Don't screw around in Exoltha.'
As Hector finished getting ready, one last thought occurred to him, and he frowned. "Aw, shit, I was supposed meet the Queen in Lorent, wasn't I?"
'Well, you didn't HAVE to. It was an open invitation, I think.'
He straightened his black tie. "I really don't want her to think that I'm ignoring her."
'She might like to meet Abbas. Perhaps it would be a good idea to take them. You were thinking of getting the Sandlords settled in Lorent, anyway, weren't you?'
That was true, he supposed.