Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Page 2768

With heat-seeking capability, omnidirectional quick-turn movement, and a maximum range of four hundred meters, these miniature missiles were perhaps Abbas' best means of crowd control. And Crowe's giant flocks of birds certainly qualified.

The mini-missiles were too recent of an addition to be permanently soul-strengthened like most of the suit, but that was no problem. He pressed his soul into them now and loosed a quarter of them from his left arm, then another quarter from his right.

The ones from his left whistled across the sky and ripped through the nearest flock with a series of air-shaking explosions.

The copious amount of smoke they left behind was also by design. With his soul power still lingering in it for a few moments, it provided an invaluable screen as he closed.

And the best part was that he didn't have to worry about his own vision being obscured, because the quarter of mini-missiles from his right arm had not yet exploded, having been deployed for slightly different purpose. They were, in fact, more than just missiles. They observed their surroundings, tracking enemy movement with coordinate data and sending it straight to the heads-up display on his visor.

With that information, Abbas still knew precisely where the Man of Crows and the five Abolishers around him were, even through the smoke.

There was no point in easing up off the throttle. He pushed the suit for more speed and went straight for Crowe.

The Man of Crows didn't have time to react. Abbas torpedoed straight through, taking an arm, leg, and half his rib cage with him. More blood splattered across the suit, staining it even further red than before.

Damn. That was the first solid hit in a while, but it obviously wouldn't be enough to overcome Crowe's regeneration. Moreover, his visor warned him of another flock already whipping toward him from what would otherwise have been his blind spot.

He jetted out of the way, though only just. Claws, acid, and flames scraped his right arm, doing minimal damage.

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