((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
Hector supposed that would make sense. He slipped the sash on and fiddled with it and the Scarf for a while. This thing wasn't inside out, was it? Garovel didn't seem to think so, so it was probably fine.
He had to admit--it was kind of cool. And also very weird. When he exited the bathroom, he realized that Fidel's new clothes didn't include a sash.
Hector almost asked the man why that was directly before thinking better of it and asking Garovel.
'Hector.' The reaper's private voice sounded disappointed with him. 'C'mon. Do you really need me to explain that to you?'
'Uh... I mean...' Well, now he wanted to say no, but frankly, he was even more confused than before.
'As far as Lorent is concerned, they're just your subordinates. That sash is meant to make YOU more distinguished, not them.'
Hector didn't like hearing that. These brave men here obviously weren't his subordinates, and they deserved just as much recognition as him, if not more.
But that was impossible, of course. There was a bigger picture to worry about.
He was really starting to hate this whole charade. It seemed like so many things were just falling into his lap, lately. Like nothing he was doing was earned. Everyone was just bending over backwards for him, because for one reason or another, they had no real choice in the matter.
And worse, it felt like nobody but him could see it.
The Rainlords were too nice to say anything, but they must have been profoundly sick of this whole arrangement already. And Garovel--wow. Garovel played it cool in front of others, but Hector could tell that the reaper was taking a certain delight in it all.
Ugh. He had to get his head on straight. This meeting with the President of Lorent was important for Atreya. If he said or did the wrong thing, it would reflect badly on an entire country.
Oh, man.