~~((The July 4th Special -- page 5 of 12))~~
Renart's reaper detached from his shoulder and regained the form of a blackbird to Raul's eyes. 'Perhaps our two groups are kindred spirits, because we, too, are rather untrusting. Information regarding the current political state of Ridgemark is highly sensitive and not to be shared carelessly. There are many enemies, both domestic and abroad, who would seek to use such knowledge against us.'
'Your concerns are understandable,' said Orric, 'but I'm afraid we really must insist that you share something more with us. Especially because I suspect that we are already on an uneven playing field, no? You have not sought out our help while having no idea of who we are.'
'Yes,' said the other reaper, and his glowing eyes turned to Cousin Melchor. 'However, we have not asked what your business is in this country. I'm sure a great many people would be interested to know why you are so far from home.'
"Careful, stranger," said Melchor with physical weight behind his voice. "That almost sounded like a threat."
"I assure you, it was no such thing," said Renart. "My colleague here was merely pointing out the fact that there is much we do not know about you, as well. It may be in both our best interests if we limited the scope of this conversation to the task that is immediately ahead of us."
More silence arrived as Raul looked between everyone. The air in here was more uncomfortable than ever, even as a golden-orange sunrise was beginning to fill the dark room with warm light.
Orric was speaking up again--and not with words that Raul wanted to hear.
'No. Not good enough. If that is your criteria for working together, then this is not going to happen. And if there is nothing further, then we will be taking our leave now.'
They waited a moment longer, but when Renart and his reaper said nothing, Melchor turned around and began walking away.
Raul knew it wasn't his place. And he started to follow. But then he stopped.