Monday, April 27, 2020

Page 2232

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
Lynn's expression flattened. "Be more specific. This is serious. I want to know if there's anything else I can do to grow stronger, too. I don't know if you've noticed, but the world just got a whole lot more dangerous, and the kingdom could come under attack again at any time."

"Okay, well... do you know what emergence is?" said Hector.

She thought for a second. "Roman mentioned that, once. In Korgum. It's how servants can increase their ability by leaps and bounds, right?"


"You're saying you achieved emergence in Sair?"

"Well, in the Undercrust, actually. On the way back from Sair." On second thought, had he achieved emergence in Sair, too? With all the fighting he'd gotten involved in, it was a bit difficult to remember, but he didn't think so.

"And that's it?" said Lynn. "Emergence has created this much a gap between us? Roman's power grew in Korgum, but still... this seems like too much of a jump compared to that. Because you were holding back on me, weren't you?"

"Ah... well, I also achieved emergence when I fought Harper. And you and I haven't sparred since before that, so..."

"Hmm," was all she said.

"And there's my training with Lord Elroy, too," said Hector. "That's been... unbelievable helpful, honestly. He's taught me tons of things about how to use materialization more intelligently."

"I see..."

"And then, there's also, um..." He stopped himself. This was Lynn he was talking to, but would it really be okay to just tell her? He glanced toward Garovel, who was still observing with the King and the others. 'Can I tell Lynn about the Scarf?' he asked.

The reaper took a moment to respond. 'No,' he said privately. 'It's better if no one knows.'

'But we can trust her, can't we?'

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