Saturday, April 11, 2020

Page 2201

"Um, hi there," came an unfamiliar voice, making Lynnette turn to see a blond woman standing there.

"Hello...?" Lynnette felt like she recognized her, but she couldn't put a name to her face.

"I'm Madison." She extended a dainty hand. "Madison Reach."

Lynnette blinked. The movie star? Sweet Cocora, it was her!

"Hehe. You've heard of me, I take it?"

Uncertain, Lynnette managed to nod and shake Madison's hand.

"Whew, that's a relief! I was starting to get a little self-conscious, you know. You wouldn't believe how many of these Rainlords have no idea who I am! The nerve, am I right?"

Lynnette had no idea what to say. What the hell was this woman doing in Warrenhold of all places?

"Oh, um, I'm not bothering you, am I?" said Madison with sudden puppy dog eyes.

"Ah--no, you're not," said Lynnette stiffly.

"Whew, good. You're a little intimidating, you know that? Not as intimidating as some of these other folks around here, but you're up there. A few months ago, I probably would've been too scared to talk to someone like you."

Lynnette just kind of nodded again. What the hell was happening, right now? She glanced over at the King, who was still happily conversing with that one red-haired Rainlord who talked a lot.

Madison just kept going. "Honestly, I think it's my boyfriend's influence. I mean, yeah, I've always been what you might call a social butterfly, but thanks to him, I feel like I've ascended to a new level of butterfly-ing. He's a real introvert. And kinda scary. But like, in a hot way, y'know? Anyway, talking to him has given me some insight into people who are the strong, silent type. Before, I would just, kind of... avoid you guys. But now I see how wrong that was! You guys are great! I bet we could be good friends!"

Lynnette wondered if this was what Hector felt like all the time.

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