Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Page 2164

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 1 of 2))
The Sunsmith. The most powerful man in Sair now. Hector had briefly met him, of course, having witnessed him take down the Salesman of Death single-handedly with that crazy suit of mechanized armor.

Was Abolish really attacking again so soon, though? Even after losing Ivan?

Oh, wait, perhaps it was precisely because they'd lost Ivan. They probably wanted to get him back, didn't they? And it certainly made sense to attack while the Rainlords were gone.

Aw, fuck, Ivan being set free was the last thing he wanted to imagine, right now. The conversation he'd had with the Salesman of Death was still burned into his mind, and somehow, he doubted that Ivan would just forget about him and leave him alone.

Hector had already intended to keep a close eye on Sair moving forward, but now that seemed more important than ever.

Honestly, though, after what he'd seen Abbas do, Hector was fairly confident that the Sandlords would kick the shit out of Abolish. And with the Vanguard there as well? According to Asad, the one they called Iceheart was in charge of operations in Sair right now, and while Hector didn't know much about him, he knew that the guy was a Field Marshal.

Hector might've liked to meet him, but supposedly he was some kind of ultra hardass. What would you expect from someone named Iceheart, though?

As he mulled the news over again in his head, he began to wonder if he shouldn't actually be more concerned about the war between Vantalay and Czacoa.

One of the treasure hunting teams that they'd dispatched from Warrenhold had been sent to Ridgemark, a coastal city in Vantalay. According to their early reports, they hadn't made any progress in tracking their target artifact down, and a war certainly wasn't going to make it any easier for them.

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