Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Page 2225

~~((The National Jelly Bean Day Special -- page 10 of 10))~~
He hadn't intended to think about her so much, of course, but when she was within such close proximity all the time, he could sense her presence with the Scarf of Amordiin even when he wasn't looking directly at her.

That had to be a new level of creepy. Staring at someone without actually staring at them. He hated himself for being so preoccupied when there were so many other things going on, but it was all but impossible to stop.

He supposed he should just be grateful that he could concentrate on multiple things at once. Though, he did wonder if the ease of his multitasking was actually making it worse. It gave him an excuse. He wasn't really letting himself be distracted, right? He had attention to spare, right?

Nevermind the fact that Zeff noticed a drop in his combat performance during their sparring sessions.

Thankfully, the Lord Elroy didn't seem to pick up on the cause. Instead, he attributed the drop in ability to the fact that Hector had missed a few training sessions due to the King's visit. Zeff didn't appreciate that much, but he also seemed to understand the importance of the King's time here.

That first meeting between Zeff and King William had been an interesting one. Zeff had been his usual stern self as he tried to express his gratitude for allowing his kin to stay in Atreya during this difficult time, while King William mainly just seemed interested in asking questions about Rainlord history. The King had a lot of questions about trees, for some reason.

Admittedly, Hector had been a bit distracted at that time, himself. Lynn had been talking to him directly--which somehow required more than just one parallel thought process from him.

"So when are we going to spar?" she'd asked, poking him in the shoulder.

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