Sunday, April 19, 2020

Page 2212

Among the Rainlords, rumors about Lord Goffe only seemed to be growing, and honestly, Raul had a hard time believing a lot of them. Apparently, he'd slain a fifty foot worm single-handedly and won the loyalty of the Bull Leech.

They hadn't known the man's moniker before that disastrous fight in Capaporo went down, but they certainly knew it now. That was one of the first things that the Rainlords had done upon arriving at Warrenhold: find out who the hell Leo was. According to the intel Raul had heard on the subject, the nickname was a result of Leo's reputation for incredible stubbornness and parasitism.

Not the most comforting bit of information Raul had ever heard.

But if Lord Goffe had truly managed to acquire the aid of someone like that... well...

Raul wasn't the only one impressed, that was for sure.

Carla's sudden winnings must have reordered her priorities, because she soon excused herself to go cash out. Adan tried to get her number before she left, but she turned him down.

Adan's shoulders slumped a little as they picked their way through the crowded casino floor. "Damn, dude, I really thought she was into me."

"You came on too strong, bro. It's good to go after what you want, but sometimes, you've gotta just leave things to fate. Now, even if you're lucky enough to run into her again, you've probably ruined your chances."


"If you'd played it cooler, like me, you could've at least maintained an air of maturity and mystery."

"Yeah, yeah..."

They didn't need to discuss their next destination. They both knew where they would find Esai. Being keenly aware of one another's whereabouts at all times was critical to the mission, and they would always text each other first if they were venturing somewhere else solo. Sticking together didn't really help them blend in so well, but caution was often warranted in this place.

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