Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Page 1512

((Double Wednesday -- Page 1 of 2))
He slid his hand into the cloth and let his fingers stretch through it and get comfortable. It was rather loose, unfortunately, but he supposed--

He felt it move on its own, writhe against his flesh.

His impulse was to panic and tear it off, but he resisted. It wasn’t painful. If anything, it was more comfortable now.

Yes, he realized. It had tightened around his hand. Fitted itself to him, perhaps.

After a moment, he decided to remove it anyway, just to ensure that he actually could, and indeed, it slipped off his hand again without fighting him.


He put it back on and waited.

It didn’t readjust to his form again. It didn’t need to. It still fit perfectly. The first adjustment had remained, even after removal.

Unless he was hallucinating, this object was clearly special in some way. He had to wonder about its origins, as well as what else it might be capable of. Convenient as it was, he didn’t see a whole lot of utility in it, so far.

Still, just having some level of protection for his hand made him feel immediately safer in handling these other objects. His eyes went to a shelf he’d seen earlier and stopped on a small metal container, the kind that might be used to house particularly precious stones.

He grabbed the container, and it crumpled under his grip. Whatever was inside, he heard it shatter and saw glassy dust trickle out onto the ground.

Royo pursed his lips to one side, set the container down, and observed his glove anew.


He deliberated for a second, then grabbed the ruined container again, this time employing strength deliberately, as much as he could muster.

He felt almost no resistance, hearing more crunching and seeing more dust. When he opened his hand again, the container was unrecognizable. The metal had not only lost its shape, but it had also taken new shape around his fingers. The force applied had been so great that the metal now looked like soft clay that had just been squeezed.

He hoped whatever he’d just destroyed inside that container wasn’t too valuable, but considering everything he was currently looking at, it probably was.

Oh well, though. No helping it now.

He wanted to try his glove out on another object before drawing conclusions, however. For all he knew, it could have been the case that the metal of the container was the abnormal thing, not his glove. So he picked up a gold coin next and pressed it between his thumb and index finger. It folded like rubber and stayed that way.


Just to be sure, he tried again on a couple of other objects of comparatively lesser value, and the results remained consistent.

This couldn’t rightly be called super strength, in Royo’s estimation--not like that of the superhumans, at least. No, this was limited to his fingers and wrist only. It would be immensely useful for gripping, twisting, and crushing; but it was not going to let him punch like the superhumans could or lift tremendous weight like they could.

A very good find nonetheless, Royo felt.

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