Friday, April 19, 2024

Page 3567

“And I shall never let it be said that you lack conviction,” said Morgunov. “This whole thing was your doing, wasn’t it? This plot to ambush me?”

“Well, if you are to blame anyone, it might as well be me.”

“Ha! So casual! As if you did not plan it meticulously!”

“You are not as unpredictable as you think, Nibas. It was not that hard.”

“Mm! How irksome. You really know how to get under a guy’s skin, don’tcha?”

“I do my level best.”

A funny thought struck Morgunov, and he decided to run with it. “But if that’s really true, then you shouldn’t mind proving it, eh?”

“Proving what?”

“That it wasn’t that hard for you to ambush me! Because I’m so predictable, right? So prove it!”

A beat passed. “Heh. How would you like to me to do that?”

“Well, obviously, you should let me escape and then just ambush me a second time!”

Germal chuckled.

“C’mon!” said Morgunov, also laughing. “That’d prove your point more thoroughly than anything else! You know I’m right!”

“A tempting proposition.”

“Hoho! Perhaps you’ve got some guts, after all! Not just a bag full of underhanded hijinks!”

“Tempting, I said. But no. I think not.”

“Boo! What a chicken! A spoil sport! And, dare I say, an all-around fib-teller! You must not have found me predictable in the slightest! In which case, I believe this now counts as my victory. Too bad for you, Germy.”

“Truly, I am crushed.”

“Well, either way, it seems we’ll have to arrive at some sort of compromise here, eventually. I’m not letting you go unless you let me go, first. And since we’ve been gabbin’ for a good little while now and no one’s come a-knockin’, I’d say we’re well and truly stuck here.”

“Perhaps so.”

“Good, I’m glad you agree! So let’s talk brass tacks, then! What’s it gonna take for you to let me outta here, hmm?”

“Oh, well, what are you offering?”

“How about a big, friendly hug once we’re free?”

“Ah. Not a death sentence at all, I’m sure.”

“Of course not! Friendly, I said! How could killing you be considered friendly?”

“I’m sure you could think of a way to spin that.”

“Alright, alright. How about if I promise not to immediately rip your head off, then?”

“How generous.”

“Right? I mean, we both know you would deserve it.”

“I think I’ll have to pass on that one, as well.”

“Really breakin’ my balls here, man. Why don’t you try suggesting something, then?”

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